Children's Missions Breaking Barriers,
Transforming Lives:
Reaching Unreached Souls through Massive Outreach in Pakistan
Children's Missions Restoring Hope,
Building Lives:
God's Little Angels Orphanage's Mission of Transformation
Children's Missions Rebuilding Faith,
Restoring Lives:
God's Little Angels Responds to the Church Attacks in Pakistan
Children's Missions From Threads to
God's Little Angels' Sewing Schools Changing Lives
Children's Missions Confess, Repent, Be Baptized

God's Little Angels Who Believes in Giving And Care

God’s Little Angels (GLA) exists to share the love and teachings of Christ with the people of Pakistan. We seek to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to see the increase of Christ’s Kingdom. At present, most of our initiatives involve ministry to Children’s Missions and youth.

God’s Little Angels is a Christ centered Ministry serving with holistic approach committed to connect each child in our programs. We serve children in every area of life for the glory of God. We cultivate meaningful relationship with the Christian community in pakistan and work with passion so that every child gets what they truly deserve. We take a long-term approach to child development and provide opportunities that encourage healthy spiritual, social and physical development of children to make them better followers of Jesus Christ.

Children's Teaching

Our Story

I had the privilege of being born into a caring Christian family in Lahore, Pakistan. During my early years, life was similar to that of many other young Christian girls in Pakistan. However, everything changed when I was 14 years old and received a powerful vision from God, urging me to spread the gospel of Christ to the people of Pakistan.

Excited about this calling, I shared the vision with my family, and together we prayed about it. Filled with zeal, I took the step of getting baptized and embarked on my spiritual journey with a group of 20 orphaned children. These kids were residing in the home of an elderly believer, but sadly, after a year, the man passed away, leaving the orphaned children without anyone to care for them.

In that moment, I made a decision to take custody of these children and became their guardian. This marked the beginning of my spiritual journey as I continued to care for these children while simultaneously spreading the word of the Lord in various areas. My previous experience in Sunday school, where I had attended for 10 years, unknowingly prepared me for my role as a Sunday school teacher.

As time passed, invitations to preach the gospel to children in different areas began to pour in. However, I faced obstacles, as I lacked a team and sufficient funds to effectively operate. Determined to overcome these challenges, I reached out to an old childhood friend named Shahzaib, who also attended the same Sunday school as me. It took months to persuade him due to his busy schedule and career aspirations, but eventually, he agreed to join me in spreading the gospel among children from different areas. Together, we embarked on this mission while also caring for the orphans.

This marked the genesis of God’s Little Angels organization. With the support of my friends and family, including co-founder Shahzaib, our hearts have been filled with a deep desire to share the gospel of Christ with the people of Pakistan. Presently, we proudly lead the Children and Youth Ministry in Pakistan, operating over 130 Sunday schools and more than 100 youth clubs throughout the nation.

Children's Worship
Children's Teaching

Our Projects

You can read complete detail of GLA PROJECTS to know more about our services and activities.

Our Impact

Since 2014, your generous support has enabled us to achieve phenomenal results, searching millions and transforming lives.

Together, We Have

Reached Lost Souls
Orphan Children Cared
Meals Provided
Youth Club Established
Sunday Schools Established
Covid-19 Food Relief Program
Children Bibles Distributed
Children's Worship

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)