Our Projects

Our Projects

Projects and Initiatives
of Gods Little Angels


God’s Little Angels exists to share the love and teachings of Christ with the people of Pakistan.

Our Project

God’s Little Angles Outreach Ministry

Pakistan was established as a Muslim homeland in South Asia, but it also became home to a portion of other religious and ethnic minorities. In Pakistan GLA ministry is preaching among Christian communities. They are marginalized and remain among the poorest sections of society and often still do menial jobs. Entire villages in parts of Punjab are Christian and their inhabitants work as laborers, low-skilled jobs, and farmhands. They need to be loved and cared for. We are made in the image of God. The Bible teaches us that God’s heart is for the nations.

Children's Teaching


Our Project

God’s Little Angels Orphanage

God promises protection and help for those who cannot protect themselves, and he redeems injustice through His unfailing love. God invites everyone to play his or her part in working toward justice. All children, particularly orphans, need a safe place to grow. Every child deserves a happy and healthy childhood and the opportunity to build a brighter future.

Children's Teaching


Our Project

Action Against Hunger

Pandemic Covid- 19 emergency was psychologically tense and created an uncertain situation during 2020-21 and it still carries the fear. Throughout the country Corona pandemic had negative impact. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented increase in food insecurity fueled by an economic recession and increasing unemployment rates. Pandemic increment the demand for food around the country. We have experienced so much hardship during Pandemic.

Children's Worship

Action gainst Hunger

Our Project

Children Bible Distribution

God’s Little Angels reached far and wide of the Punjab province of Pakistan for sharing Gospel of Christ. Knowledge is power, and Holy Bible is full of it. The distribution of the Word of od is of utmost importance when it comes to the task of evangelization. Many children do not have access to God’s Word. GLA is striving to put the Bible into the hands of children who have never owned their personal Bible.

Children's Teaching

Bible & Books

Our Project

Feeding the Poor

Without a sustainable source of income at a sufficient level, young children and their families do not have access to basic food. Therefore, to support children suffering from hunger in urban slums of Lahore, God’s Little Angels has initiated the project to distribute ready cooked food to needy children. The vision for the food distribution is to feed and nourish the poor malnourished children and to promote, social justice. Poor and inadequate nutrition leaves children vulnerable to diseases and illness. Healthy food provides children with the nutrients and energy to develop and grow, active and healthy. This is just a way to meet children and families the real goal is to connect with the children and to show them, through a building of relationships, that they are valued and respected.

Children's Teaching

Food For Poor

Our Project

Skills Training Centre for Women Empowerment

Women of rural belt have very less or no opportunities to develop, due to lack of education and skills makes them more vulnerable. One of the poverty reduction strategies is to provide technical and vocational skills.

Children's Teaching


Our Project

Sunday Schools

We have started many children’s Sunday Schools in various cities of Pakistan.  It is our desire that all the children of Pakistan hear of Christ and his love for them.  We are supporting teachers for each of these meetings.  But we also have many volunteers. Most Sunday School meetings have about 50 children attending.  But several have more than 100 children attending.  And a few have attendance of more than 500 children.  Please help us provide a Bible to every child that asks for one.

Children's Missions

Sunday Schools

Our Project

Brickyard Evangelism

God’s Little Angels has spread The Word of God among the people found in the exceedingly difficult labor of brickyards in the vicinity of Lahore. Poverty, poor health and lack of education are the key challenges people facing working in brick kilns. There are people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ!.

Children's Teaching

Brick Yards

Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)