Vacation Bible School 2019 – Day 2 In Lahore

Children's Teaching

Mehrosh Nathaniel, aka Marry is the Vice Chairman of God’s Little Angels

Day 2 of Vacation Bible School in Lahore, Pakistan came to a close. Our staff, teachers and, volunteers’ hard work plus tireless dedication (during this two-day event) paid off! What a blessing to host 1,200 children and witness 670 of these children receive salvation. Amen!

Day 2 Activities included:

Competition between each group (quiz, games, songs, etc.) to see what they learned and how well each group participated in all activities.
Brother Shahzaib taught another story about how Elijah confronts Ahab and GOD demonstrates his power (1 Kings 18:1 – 46).
Sister Gulzaib gave a quiz to each group about the story of Elijah.
Games between each group
Lots of signing
Performances from many talented young people
Worshiping all day long!

In the end, the group of winners was announced.

1st place – Youhandbad
2nd place – Fazlia
3rd place – FC+Ichra

Each teacher was called to the stage and given a certificate of appreciation and a small cash gift. Our token of love for these amazing teachers. We could not have done this without their help!

Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)