Story of Haroon bringing his friends to Salvation

Inspirational Stories

Story of Haroon bringing his friends to Salvation

In the depths of a humble village, a remarkable story is unfolding—a story of hope, transformation, and the boundless power of faith. It all began when a young boy named Haroon, quite by chance, crossed paths with an outreach program in the south of Pakistan. Little did he know that this unplanned encounter was meticulously orchestrated by a higher power.

As Haroon found himself immersed in the captivating sermon delivered that day, something stirred within him. His heart opened wide, and he embraced Lord Jesus with unwavering conviction. This divine encounter marked a turning point in Haroon’s life, igniting a fire within him to share this life-changing message with others.

Eager to make a difference, Haroon eagerly joined our First Priority Youth club. Here, he discovered a supportive community, guided by passionate leaders who armed him with the tools and strategies to effectively reach out to his peers. But not all rose to the challenge. Despite his sincere efforts, Haroon’s five closest friends seemed unmoved by his impassioned pleas to explore the path of Christ.

Undeterred and fueled by an unyielding faith, Haroon turned his gaze toward heaven, fervently seeking divine guidance and intervention. Through prayer, he placed his trust in a force greater than himself, believing that with perseverance, his friends’ hearts could be touched.

And so it was—miraculously, two of Haroon’s friends began to show a genuine curiosity about the message he had shared, attending youth gatherings and opening themselves up to the transformative power of Christ. Their hearts were forever changed as they, too, accepted the Lord into their lives, emerging as steadfast members of our youth club.

The walls of skepticism began to crumble further as Haroon’s prayers started working. His remaining three friends, touched by the deep love and devotion radiating from Haroon, found solace and salvation in the embrace of Jesus. They joined hands with our youth club, united in their newfound faith and purpose.

The impact of this incredible journey serves as a testament to the extraordinary outcomes that can be achieved when we come together in faith and solidarity. Through the collaboration of our passionate leaders, the unwavering resolve of Haroon, and the guiding hand of God, lives are being transformed. But the journey doesn’t end here.

Together, with your invaluable support, we can continue to create meaningful programs, outreach initiatives, and youth clubs that touch the lives of countless young individuals yearning for purpose and salvation. Your generosity will enable us to empower more young hearts and transform entire communities, one life at a time.

We invite you to join us in this shared mission, to bring Christ’s love and hope to those who are lost. As we all stand firm in faith and persistence, we can envision a future where countless souls find their way to the loving embrace of our Savior.

Together, we can become beacons of light amidst darkness, exemplifying the power of faith, and changing lives for eternity.

Children's Missions
Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)