“Finding Light in Darkness: The Redemption of Aneel Through Jesus’ Love”

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Inspirational Stories

"Finding Light in Darkness: The Redemption of Aneel Through Jesus' Love"

“A young boy named Aneel was lost and struggling with addiction, always looking for ways to feel happy but never finding lasting joy. His life was a mess, and he felt like there was no hope for a better future.

One day, by chance, Aneel met a group of kind people from the First Priority Youth Club established by God’s Little Angels Organization. They told him about Jesus and how His love could change his life. At first, Aneel was skeptical, but something in their words touched his heart. He started to believe that maybe there was a way out of his pain and suffering.

In less than one year after knowing about Jesus, Aneel experienced a transformation like never before. Filled with newfound faith and hope, he decided to take baptism and he was baptized by Pastor Shahzaib and started his youth club under Shahzaib’s supervision, following the First Priority Youth strategy. Despite his initial doubts, Aneel’s dedication to spreading love and hope inspired many kids and youth in the town.

His youth club quickly became the biggest in the city, becoming a beacon of light for those who needed guidance and support. Through Aneel’s leadership and the principles he learned from the First Priority Youth Club, more than 400 students have been enrolled in their Disciple Making Movement, creating a ripple effect of positive change in the community.

Aneel’s journey from despair to hope, from addiction to faith, taught him and all of us while reading his testimony a valuable lesson – that no matter how lost or broken one may feel, holding the hand of Jesus can lead them to a path of redemption and purpose. Through faith and persistence in praying and following His words, Aneel’s life was transformed, and he became a beacon of light for others in need. His story served as a powerful reminder that with Jesus by your side, even the most sinful and distant hearts can find healing and salvation.”

Children's Missions
Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)