Breaking Attendance Records in Kasur

Children's Teaching

Mehrosh Nathaniel, aka Marry is the Vice Chairman of God’s Little Angels

Praise God! Day 2 of Vacation Bible School in Kasur saw another 2,000 kids in attendance. That is over 4,000 kids during two days hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time. Amen! Only through God’s grace, the generosity of our amazing partner (FGA Church in the Salamat Pura Colony) and, tireless work from G.L.A. staff members this event was possible. Your support, prayers and, donations made this happen! Thank You! Day 2 Activities Included

  • Performances from many talented young people
  • Brother Shahzaib taught another story about how Elijah.
  • Competition between each groups.
  • Sisters Hira and Yarusha gave a quiz to the groups.
  • Each group participated in competitive games.
  • Lots of signing
  • Worshiping all day long!
  • Teachers, Pastors and, volunteers were brought on stage and given a certificate of appreciation and a small cash gift. Cannot have done this without their help!

Over 2,000 kids attended day two, we then watched 800 kids give their life to Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord!

Please help support our next project! Upcoming Ministry Outreach travels to Sheikhupura on September 20th. Similar to Vacation Bible School, we travel throughout Pakistan to educate kids about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his gift of salvation. Word of our successful VBS events in Lahore and Kasur have spread. The demand in Pakistan for God’s Little Angels is growing.

  • We are anticipating a crowd of at least 3,000 kids.
  • This is a one day event.
  • Arranging 30 vehicles for attendees.
  • Electricity
  • Food for the kids
  • Fuel
  • Generators
  • Ice
  • Printing flyers for advertising.
  • Security
  • Site permit
  • Tent rental
  • Water

May GOD Bless You! Marry Masih

Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)