Case Studies

Children's Missions

Story of Haroon bringing his friends to Salvation

Inspirational Stories Story of Haroon bringing his friends to Salvation In the depths of a humble village, a remarkable story is unfolding—a story of hope, transformation, and the boundless power of faith. It all began when a young boy named Haroon, quite by chance, crossed paths with an outreach program in the south of Pakistan. […]
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Children's Teaching

Nurturing the Next Generation: Empowering Children to Know Jesus

Inspirational Stories Nurturing the Next Generation: Empowering Children to Know Jesus God is doing amazing things in the lives of our children. We are passionate about reaching the next generation for Jesus and raising them up to know and love the Lord. When Jesus said be my witnesses, it’s all about sharing the Good News […]
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Children's Teaching

A Miraculous Transformation: Saving a Village through Faith and Baptism

Inspirational Stories A Miraculous Transformation: Saving a Village through Faith and Baptism I would be delighted to share an incredible story with you about a village that has been saved and baptized. Pakistan, known for its agriculture, heavily relies on this sector, particularly the export of rice and cotton. Punjab, the largest province in Pakistan, […]
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Children's Teaching

Children are Witnesses of Jesus Christ

Inspirational Stories Children are Witnesses of Jesus Christ Irum joined the GLA Discipleship training sessions since last year in November 2022, she had experienced new learning. She spoke about the Lord, discovering how she loved and followed Jesus. She has made lots of friends for Jesus in her school. She said that we need to […]
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Children's Teaching

Follow Jesus Christ

Inspirational Stories Follow Jesus Christ Children can follow Christ, become like Him, and be used by Him in this world said John – a student of Discipleship Training program. It is a joy, privilege, and amazing opportunity that we must share this great treasure of Christ with our friends and guide them towards Christ. John […]
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Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)