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Nurturing the Next Generation: Empowering Children to Know Jesus

God is doing amazing things in the lives of our children. We are passionate about reaching the next generation for Jesus and raising them up to know and love the Lord. When Jesus said be my witnesses, it’s all about sharing the Good News that Jesus came to tell. And this is the biggest piece of news ever.

Mariam is quite regular in taking sessions on discipleship making. She shared joyfully about her experience. She said, ‘It is like living life together, learning how to love God wholeheartedly, and learning how to love and serve others like themselves.’ Bible study grows our faith and it increases our knowledge of God. It gives us wisdom and understanding and deepens intimacy with God and Lord Jesus. It equips us to share our faith and invest in others. Bible study brings strength and guidance for life. The fact is the Bible tells us that Jesus promises to be with us no matter what we are facing, or are worried about facing. Jesus promises to give us the strength we need. He promises to help us. He promises to fill us with peace. Said Mariam.

One of her favorite verses from the Bible is, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23.

Lord Jesus has promised that He will be with us always. In Luke 9:18-20 it is written, The Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Children's Teaching

A Miraculous Transformation: Saving a Village through Faith and Baptism

I would be delighted to share an incredible story with you about a village that has been saved and baptized. Pakistan, known for its agriculture, heavily relies on this sector, particularly the export of rice and cotton. Punjab, the largest province in Pakistan, is predominantly agricultural, characterized by its lush green fields. However, it lacks development in most areas, including many villages.

Recently, our team embarked on a journey to spread the good news of Lord Jesus from village to village in Punjab. Upon reaching one particular village, we discovered that there was no existing church in the area. Determined to make a difference, we collaborated with the villagers and secured a small plot of land to construct a church. With their assistance, we successfully built the church and employed a dedicated pastor.

Initially, our congregation consisted of only ten individuals. However, as time progressed, more people became intrigued and expressed their desire to learn about Lord Jesus Christ. They began embracing Him as their sole Savior, guided by our appointed Pastor. Overwhelmed with the news of their transformation, I felt compelled to organize a baptism ceremony for those who had accepted Lord Jesus.

When I arrived in the village to preach about baptism, sharing the words of the Lord to encourage more people, I witnessed an astonishing development. An additional forty young individuals decided to commit their lives to Christ, eager to experience the joy of becoming a part of His family through baptism. Our original plan to baptize the initial seventy young people expanded as ten elders approached me, expressing their desire to accept Lord Jesus and receive baptism as well. Our team was humbled to baptize them alongside the others.

With over seventy-five percent of the young population now saved in the village, our focus has shifted towards reaching the remaining twenty-five percent. We are committed to continuing our mission to spread the gospel and bring more souls to the loving embrace of Lord Jesus Christ.

Children's Teaching
Children's Teaching

Children are Witnesses of Jesus Christ

Irum joined the GLA Discipleship training sessions since last year in November 2022, she had experienced new learning. She spoke about the Lord, discovering how she loved and followed Jesus. She has made lots of friends for Jesus in her school. She said that we need to confess our sins and ask wisdom from God and see how God work and move in our lives. She quotes the words of Apostle Paul from 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ”. She said she keeps her eyes fixed on Christ.

From discipleship stories in the Bible, we can know that God is on the move and wants everyone to be saved and wants everyone to have a relationship with him both in this life and the one to come. Jesus often presented children as an example of the type of faith adults should have. Our elders must learn their children’s strength and encourage them. Teaching has made an impact to the glory of God.

Children's Teaching

Follow Jesus Christ

Children can follow Christ, become like Him, and be used by Him in this world said John – a student of Discipleship Training program. It is a joy, privilege, and amazing opportunity that we must share this great treasure of Christ with our friends and guide them towards Christ. John shared about his experience How we can follow Jesus.

The first thing is this to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14;6)

They show GOD, how much they love HIM through their prayers and actions. Always remember, without God, you wouldn’t have anything at all. Ask for guidance and thank HIM for HIS Love. Being conscious of God’s love for you will make you a better, more confident, stronger Christian.

For having a strong personal relation with GOD start with hearing the Word of GOD. Read Bible daily and learn more and more, further share it with friends, siblings, cousins, and even parents and other relatives in the family.

This is how we follow Jesus and bring others to follow HIM too.

Children's Teaching
Children's Worship

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)