The Little Angels Club

The Little Angels Club: Sowing the Seeds of Transformation

The Little Angels Club is a dynamic ministry dedicated to establishing children’s Sunday Schools across cities in Pakistan. Our mission is to ensure that every child in the country hears about the immense love of Christ.

At the heart of our endeavor are our unwavering teachers, who serve as beacons of hope and guidance for the children. Alongside them, our passionate volunteers generously donate their time and energy, making a lasting impact on these young lives.

Through our Sunday School gatherings, we have witnessed remarkable success. With an average attendance of 50 children and some sessions attracting over 100 enthusiastic participants, we are humbled to share that a few of our gatherings have even reached astonishing numbers, with over 500 children participating.

Our ultimate goal is to empower these children in every aspect of their lives. By nurturing their spirits, emotions, and intellects with the values and principles of Christ, we believe we can help them build a hopeful future and prepare them to be agents of positive change in Pakistan.

Driven by a united purpose, the Little Angels Club has already established more than 175 Sunday Schools across Pakistan, and we are continuously expanding our reach. By the end of 2024, we are committed to achieving our goal of establishing 200 Little Angels Clubs across the country, sowing the seeds of transformation and cultivating a generation that embraces the teachings of Christ, becoming a shining light in their communities and beyond.

Children's Missions
Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)