Vacation Bible School 2019 Begins

Children's Teaching


Mehrosh Nathaniel, aka Marry is the Vice Chairman of God’s Little Angels
We are excited to announce Vacation Bible School 2019! The overall objective is to transform these young children into believers and, have a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. This two-day event, in two different cities, will provide a Christian education (we are focusing on the teachings of Elijah). Each child will hear stories from the Bible, enjoy refreshments, participate in arts and crafts, sing, play games and, receive his or her very own Bible. In this video Chairman, Shahzaib Zafar, explains the objective Vacation Bible School 2019

In the video you will see our regular Sunday School kids practicing for VBS 2019. We have prepared many months for this big event!
We have secured two safe and well-maintained areas for both events. This event will take place in two cities, Lahore and Kasur (see below).

  • June 27 – 28, Lahore, Pakistan
  • End of July (TBD), Kasur, Pakistan

We are excited and challenged by the overwhelming demand for this exciting event! We need your help with the following expenses:

  • Bibles
  • Craft supplies
  • Refreshments (Snacks & Drinks)
  • Rent for each event space
  • Security
  • Teacher’s certificates (appreciation for their help)
  • Travel (rental van, gas, and lodging)

We anticipate around 1,000 kids in each city. Imagine all of this for at least 2,000 kids!

Children's Worship

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)